Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Worth getting up for

On Sunday, I noticed a flash flood warning had been put out for my neck of the woods for today. I was super excited about it all day yesterday. At the very least, some rain. At best, a flash flood!*

Yesterday,  none of my coworkers believed my news about the flood potential.**And when I got to work today, it was looking like we might not even get rain. I made it very clear that if it didn't rain--and hard--there was no point in my having gotten out of bed this morning. And whaddya know, by the time I headed back from lunch, it was raining. And then it rained some more later this afternoon. And now, there is a load of thunder and more thunder, and maybe lightning (but I'm inside so I can't tell. I live in a basement apartment). And just now a HUGE clap of thunder! And I can hear the rain pouring down and I can smell it and feel the cool rain air.

Aaaaah. Yep, totally worth getting out of bed for***. Now I'm going to go to bed, so I can fall asleep listening to the rain. Brilliant.

*I have no idea why I want a flash flood. It was probably mostly driven by the hope that maybe they'd send us home from work, which was a long shot. But I think there was also just the lovely thought of wading through rivers of water without a care in the world.
**until we had a 15 minute downpour.
***Although, clearly, not flooding (yet). And I am obviously not sloshing through puddles. But there's always tomorrow. 

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