Thursday, October 31, 2019

The coolness of capes

Tonight I was walking home from running an errand and I ended up behind someone dressed like Zorro. So, I was really just getting a view of the cape and even though it wasn't windy or anything, this guy's cape was billowing. Seriously, it was really cool. And I totally understood why someone would wear a cape. I mean, it was a seriously awesome effect. Despite the advice of Edna in The Incredibles, I think I'm down with capes. Think of all the great ones there are:
  • Thor's cape. And Dr. Strange. And all the other Marvel capes.
  • Lord of the Rings has some great capes--technically, probably cloaks, but they have the same effect.Zorro, obviously.
  • Elsa has a sweet cape/train.
  • Star Wars? Loads of capes and cape-like variations.
  • Prince Humperdink has a super ridiculous cape in Princess Bride, but it really makes the character.
  • If you are going to mention Marvel capes, I think you also have to go DC--Batman, Superman, etc. Can you be a superhero without a cape? I'm not sure that's allowed.
  • Yzma! She's got a cape!
  • Dracula wouldn't be Dracula without a cape. 
  • And neither would all the princes, princesses, etc. in movies and books
Let's face it, guys. The world just needs capes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Once upon a time was enough

This weekend I found myself on a college campus briefly and I out of the blue, I just thought, "I'm soooo glad I'm not a college kid anymore!"

Don't get me wrong. I love college kids! There's a whole bunch of them at work, half of my neighbors are college kids, I have three college-kid nieces, and I took one of them on a road trip with me this weekend. It's a great age! And I loved being that age, when I was that age. Probably not every second of it, but I have really great memories, for the most part. (I do seem to have blocked out a lot of the college stress, though, so who knows what else I'm forgetting). I had some fun times.  Also, I'd love to go back and work at a college or university, too, so I'd be surrounded by college kids. I'm really not the grumpy old person who just can't stand youth, I promise.

I'm just really glad it's not my time of life. I am glad I had that time, and I'm glad that there are people having that time. I'm just really glad it's not my time of life, and I think that's mostly because I know so much more now and have done so much more--some good, some not so good--and how do you trade all of that to be young and less aware?

It's kind of like watching toddlers learn. They are so adorable and sweet and it's so fun to see them figure out the world! But if they stayed a toddler forever, it would just be wrong. Disturbingly wrong. As bittersweet as it is, growing is part of the fun. And it's the same for adults. We may think we want to be young forever, but really, that isn't right.

And so, I'm really glad (even as much as I complain and get frustrated with things) that I am where I'm at in life. And if I do it right, I'll still be glad in twenty years.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Last week, I was on my way to work when a group of my neighbors/coworkers* (young men, late teens to early twenties) saw me. They called my name and waved and I looked over and there was this whole group of them looking at me and pointing and waving. I've never wanted to be famous, but I really did feel like a celebrity. I wouldn't have been surprised if they came asking for autographs (ha ha). And it was even better because these guys actually all knew me, so it wasn't just fandom.

Anyway, it was a really great way to start the day. I highly recommend it.

*It's kind of an unusual setup. But lots of fun.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Cave dweller

This weekend was a three day weekend for me (just for me, because I'm so special*). Three day weekends are always a little bit risky because I become a bit of a hermit and this weekend was no exception. I did leave my house once on Friday for groceries and dinner, and 6 times on Saturday to do laundry. I have not left my house today, though.** And this afternoon, it hit me that I actually have a job and I have to go back to it tomorrow. Like, it had completely slipped my mind that that was a thing. No joke. 

Which makes me think of a conversation I had with someone, or multiple someones, last week. We were talking about somebody not knowing something that basically the whole world knows and so of course there was the, "What rock did you crawl out from under?" line. Only I added, "Because I want to crawl under that rock." I mean, doesn't that just sound heavenly? To crawl under a rock and not have to listen to all the American politicians fighting, and the news fighting, and everyone else fighting, and everyone being mad at everyone when really we all just need a nap and a good snack, not necessarily in that order?***

Yeah, this weekend I got pretty darn close to crawling under that rock. And, I gotta be honest, it was kind of nice. I mean, it would have been cool to have some company. You know, dig the space out, create some tunnels, add some rooms--hobbit style, maybe--invite my besties over for a rock party. It would be amazing! Sigh. I think I may need more rock time in my life.

Also, my keyboard has taken to double typing letters. It's super annoying and has nothing to do with anything. Just throwing that out there.

*No, not so much. I just worked Saturday of the previous week, is all. Nothing special here.
**But why would I want to? I baked cookies practically all day. Oooh, that's why. So that when I come back in it smells like fresh cookies. Darn it!
***Why are we all so mad, guys? It's so exhausting!