Sunday, October 7, 2018

Do Over

Yesterday was an awful day. It wasn't anything particular, just the whole day was awful and frustrating and ended in tears (there was just no other way for it to end). Now, if there is one thing I have learned about days like that, it's this: take a nap. Honestly, if you just go to sleep for a little while, things get better. It breaks the cycle of stress and emotion and offness just beautifully.*

I failed to squeeze a nap in yesterday so instead, this morning, I gave myself permission to treat the morning like a sick day. I stayed in bed until my headache wasn't noticeable anymore**. I stayed in my pajamas and wrapped up in a blanket. And I felt soooooooo much better. The headache did come back, and I'm still a little glum about yesterday, but hey, moving on! Life's not all doom! Things are going to be okay! And in a couple of days, the glum-shadow will vanish, the headache will not come back, and I will have had contact with other human beings and moved on to the next crisis.

Isn't life grand?

*This is why, when I unofficially ran for president in 2016, naps was an important plank in my platform. I think it would make a huge contribution towards world peace. 
**Yes, I had a headache yesterday. No, it didn't help. 

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