Monday, October 1, 2018

Growing old

I hope someday to be a beautiful old person. One of those old folks with beautiful wrinkles who radiates contentment. Not because their life has been perfectly content, but because despite all the sorrows, it has been overall a good life. Because there is so much to love and be happy about. Because the tears eventually faded into solace and one day there was joy again. 

I don't have any noteworthy wrinkles yet, but I do have a few stray gray hairs. They aren't noticeable, because my hair is a fairly light brown and they kind of blend in. And I have no intention of dying them or otherwise hiding them at this point. I have earned those gray hairs, every one of them. there is a life behind them. I'm not saying no one should ever dye their gray hair, or even that I won't ever--who knows what I'll do in another 20 years?! And dying them doesn't erase the life I've lived. Really, I'm just lazy about my hair and dying requires too much maintenance for a lazy bum like myself. 

But I do also kind of like those random gray hairs. And I hope that someday, I have more of them, with a lovely set of wrinkles to match. I hope I become a beautiful old person.

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