Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Smart stuff

 Everything is smart these days--refrigerators, dryers, toilets, vacuums. But there is one thing that is not smart that should be: elevators.

At work, if I push the button to go down, and the elevator is going up and has to stop on my floor anyway, (because someone is getting off, for example), it will still stop on my floor on the way back down. So I've got two options. I can stand there like a dummy and let the elevator go up and catch it on the way down. Or, I can get on, wait for more people to get on going down, and we all stop at my floor where the elevator doors open and no one is there. And I get to make the tiresome joke: "And this is the elevator picking me up...". (Or another popular quip people like to make is that it is the Holy Ghost. We do work in a religious institution). 

And every time, EVERY time, I think, "Why is it the elevator can't get information that no one is there because they got on when it stopped going up?" And I'm sure someone could argue that it actually makes sense in some weird elevator traffic logic, but it's hard to see how stopping at empty floors is efficient. 

So, if anyone knows anyone in elevator programming, could you see if they could make a smart elevator? Thanks.

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