Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I might be ready for 2024

I know that we are already over 2 weeks into the new year, but I think I might be almost ready for it. Or at least, as ready as one can be (which honestly, that whole mentality is putting a lot of pressure on 2024 and that seems unfair. I mean, it has 12 months and 365 days that all just kind of do their own thing, why is it 2024's fault if the days and months goof up? Besides, it's the people that make the mess, not the calendar!! Poor time!)

There's a reason I feel like I'm just getting into the swing of things. I started the year out with a misery of a cold (sore nose from all the kleenexes, loads of snot, and a cough that came from the chest). And I am just now hitting the point where I feel like I'm more or less over it. Which is a bummer, because now I don't have anything to blame being exhausted on!

Also, I had a sprained wrist, the result of ice skating, and even though it really only hurt when twisting or lifting things for the last week and a half or two, it was still a nuisance. And it meant I couldn't exercise (which did NOT help with the sluggishness). 

Those two things made it hard to really get my head in the new year, and then we hired 3 new employees on my team, and three of our other employees have been on vacation and before that various members of the team were all traveling, and it is a really weird way to start the year. Today was the first time in like 6 weeks--maybe 2 months!--that I've seen my boss in person, and I have coworkers that I haven't seen for that long, so it definitely creates a weird vibe. But now, everyone is starting to come back and we have our new people, and so it feels like things are kicking off. 

And, so, Happy New Year!!!!

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