Monday, March 18, 2013

The "Ordinaries"

Awards for Ordinary People making the world better by doing Ordinary Things

This week, there are a couple of Ordinaries to give:

1) To the guys at Enterprise, who dealt with a crowded lobby at 5:40 on a Friday afternoon calmly and efficiently, like ordinary people would do. It's not that they did anything exceptional--no juggling, no offers of discounts or anything. They just took it all in a stride, and did what billions of people do every day. They dealt with the situation and didn't think about it until it was over.


2) To the HR lady who contacted me to let me know that they'd filled the position. I hadn't noticed a deadline, and I don't even know if there was one, but a few days after I sent in my info, she contacted me -  apologizing for the delay! - to let me know they had filled the position, but inviting me to keep watching. This is a pretty ordinary thing. But you'd be amazed at how often people don't have the courtesy to let you know tiny bits of information like that. And, know what? I actually would apply there again, if I saw a position open up. Because an ordinary person did an ordinary thing.


3) the lady at church that I don't even know if I really know her name (I know her, I just don't know if I've ever actually been introduced and heard her name), who asked how things were going and commiserated. Who didn't tell me all the things I should do or tell me how fortunate I am. Who just said, "Yeah, it really stinks. But, it's going to work out somehow." Yes, yes it is. Thank you.

Ordinary things, ordinary people, making the world better.

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