Thursday, March 28, 2013

March Madness

Well, so far, March has been cold and bitter and insanely freezing. Finally, the last couple of days, it seems that spring has arrived. It was actually 48 degrees today!

And, with the coming of pleasant weather, the world seems to be reacting. Around lunchtime today, my co-worker mentioned that my old college building (and by old, I don't mean old. The building is approaching it's 3rd birthday, and I was only there a year ago. By old, I mean, I used to go there) had flooded. Apparently, a pipe broke in one of the residences, and the building got to replicate a waterfall, inside and out.

Well, half an hour later, there was a sudden downpour right there in the office! They'd been doing some maintenance on the machines at work (machines at an archive, you ask? HVAC, my friends. A critical component of every archive. Ideally). They'd drained the pans on one of the machines (I cannot explain any better than this, not having seen it and having no idea what it really means), letting loose 100 gallons of water, down into a drain that is not equipped to handle 100 gallons of water. Just like they did 2 years ago, the story goes.

The good news is, I got home and no floods. But I did spend some time reminiscing on the good old days in The Puddle. It seems like a lifetime ago, and I would sure love to be able to say that my biggest problem in life was a flooded apartment and a paper to write.

So, years from now, when my biggest problem is a flooded apartment and a paper to write, remind me to be grateful.

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