Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Internet Doesn't Know Where I am

Way back in July, my internet suddenly got very confused as to where exactly I am. I was searching for plane tickets (I know, you doth think me mad for flying during the pandemic, but needs must or whatever. I don't regret it) and Google kept popping up flights from an airport 4 hours away from me. Which was weird, because Google always seemed to be WAY to in the know about where I was prior to that. 

And then, I was using a website to find some service opportunities in my area* and it kept putting me in a town about an hour and a half north. 

Now, I sometimes end up 30 minutes north, or 10 minutes north, or 5 blocks north and west. But the internet can't seem to figure out where exactly I am. 

Which is mildly inconvenient at worst. I mean, it does get a little old to have to constantly tell Google maps that it's lost so that I can get accurate directions somewhere. But at the same time, it's kind of awesome. The internet can't find me. Somehow, this seems like a good thing, given how much the internet seems to have on me (don't know how. My biggest use of social media is a blog, people. That's so last decade!). And, since I have no idea how to fix this problem, I think I'm just going to run with it and enjoy watching the internet be lost.  

*, if you are looking. 

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