Monday, July 8, 2024

Dream vacation

During my family's reunion last week, the hypothetical was thrown out: "If you could go on a 2 week, all expenses paid vacation, what would you do?" And I got some great vacation tips, if money is no object:

1. Hire a personal chef. Which is brilliant, because doesn't every parent need a break from fixing food? That's a real vacation (especially for my sister-in-law, who deals with multiple food allergies in her home!!!)

2. Pick one place, because hopping around is exhausting--packing up every other day. It wears you out. But, there's an alternative...

3. Hire a valet (what is the female equivalent of a valet? Lady's maid?). they travel ahead of you and buy your clothes for the next leg of your journey, so you don't have to pack. Then they can arrange to have all the clothes from the last stop sent home. Vacation, no suitcases, AND you get a new wardrobe.

4. Leverage the vacation to get some long-term goals. My brother said he would use his vacation to build a house, and learn some carpentry skills in the process. Genius. 

5. And speaking of learning, use the vacation to develop a hobby, instead of just sight see. I like this idea, too. To do an apprenticeship is a bit expensive, but an all expense paid vacation to do it? You could do worse. 

So if anyone ever offers you a 2 week all expenses paid vacation, now you have some great tips on how to make the most of it. 

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