Sunday, June 11, 2023

Did you graduate?

A few weeks ago, a co-worker told me about attending his 6th grader's 'graduation.' He lives in a fairly small town and it was pretty funny to hear him describe everyone in tears watching the kids say their goodbyes to elementary school. For a small town where everyone knows everyone, I imagine there is a stronger sense of community that would make one teary-eyed seeing the town kids grow up.

But, as one who didn't grow up in a time where there were lots of graduations, I admit, it seemed a bit much in a way. 

Then a few days ago, I saw some headline about a celebrity's kid 'graduating' from pre-school. Yes. Pre-school. Friends, we have definitely crossed a line when we are having preschool graduations. 

But just to be sure, I looked it up in the dictionary. And what do you know, the very first definition is "to receive an academic degree or diploma." 

Now, as far as I know, there is no Preschool diploma. And while I've been out of school for a while, I've heard nothing about a PS (Preschool) in any field. Pretty sure it still starts with a bachelor's degree.  

I suppose you could argue that under the second definition (to pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually higher one) some of these 'graduations' might count. But, I'd say it's a stretch. Definitely not something preschoolers are doing. I didn't do preschool, but is it really a significantly, notably different experience from kindergarten? Are they really that proficient in anything? And even for 6th graders, I'm not sure it counts. They might be changing the format of learning, or location, but the very fact that the transition from grade school to middle or junior high school varies makes me think it isn't moving from a stage of experience or proficiency to another one. For most of them, it is simply a result of being a year older.*

I'm okay with a school having a goodbye ceremony. I get it! These kids, be they preschoolers or 6th graders, have been a presence in your life! Celebrate, and give them a good send off! But it isn't really a graduation. So, maybe you can skip playing "Pomp and circumstance."**

*Oooh, maybe we should all graduate every year...oh, wait. That's a birthday. 
**And go for something way more fun. "Happy Trails". "Hit the Road Jack". "So Long, Farewell" from Sound of Music. Lots of options. 

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