Sunday, June 28, 2020

COVID-19 Check-in

Well, well, well. Three months (and a bit) and coronavirus is still with us, even though it seems like it is no longer the bulk of all news coverage or the hot topic. We have had the protests take center stage, and even that seems to be waning. Because it is now normal. Living in a pandemic, living with protesters*, feeling unnerved when we go out and about, panicking when people don't distance from us, being constantly aware of how close we are to other people/whether people are wearing masks, and going days without going outside. Life goes on. And someday, we won't do any of those things, and we will get used to it just as quickly.

Personally, I'm feeling a little bored with it all. Mostly, with the part that makes everything more complicated. I needed to get quarters for laundry and had to go to a bank that was twice as far (which wouldn't be a big deal except I don't have a car). And, since I didn't have a car, I couldn't go through the drive-thru, and since I needed quarters I couldn't use the ATM, so I had to schedule an appointment. Is it a big deal? No. But compared to being able to swing by unannounced to the bank a block away from work? A bit of a hassle. 

Going to the grocery store? Also a pain. The train runs less frequently, which makes travel time twice as long. It's hot. No one is wearing masks in my neck of the woods. And, when you have to carry your groceries home, you can't really stock up for weeks on end, so you have to go to the store just as often. It is definitely time to get a car just so COVID is less of a pain.

The biggest annoyance is not being able to visit family. I wanted to see my nieces and nephews in a play, but my city is behind their city in terms of reopening so I didn't feel like I should go. I want to visit another family before the summer ends, but that doesn't seem likely to happen. So, you can imagine I get a bit frustrated when I see people not being cautious in public when I'm trying to be. I know I'm not perfect. I'm not saying I am. I forget sometimes or get lazy. I get that masks are a pain--they are uncomfortable and hot and sweaty, and you have to wash them frequently, and honestly, I don't want to pay $2 a load just to wash masks, especially when getting quarters is such a pain. I get it. But I'm trying, and it can be really hard when it feels like no one else is. It's like the world's biggest group project. Sigh. 

I'm also burned out from online meetings. And people are getting quieter and quieter in them. Also, I am not looking forward to going back to work. And not because of COVID worries. Socializing can be really challenging, and when I'm not doing it consistently, it gets much harder. So you can imagine that there is a bit of anxiety around being surrounded by people all day when I haven't been for months. It'll be fine, I'm just not excited by it. 

Also, it is summer and it's hot and I haven't slept great lately. So, yes. Bored and grumpy and tired. I need some kids to play with. 

*And note, this does not mean we have stopped caring. We have just adapted to these new developments. 

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