Thursday, April 23, 2020

The View from my Window

I saw a headline the other day and it said something about the view from the author's window. I didn't read the article, so I have no idea what it was actually about*. But the idea of writing about what can be seen from your window is quite appealing. Except that I live in a basement apartment. And basically the view from my window is rocks, some bushes, grass, maybe pavement, bricks from the building next door, and if I'm lucky, feet. In fairness, my apartment complex is not a hive of activity at the best of times, so even if I had an upstairs apartment, it isn't likely there would be a ton to see, either.

Once in a while, I get lucky and some of the young'uns pop by and we chat through the window. That improves the view, first because it puts something in the view, but also because it's interactive, and that's always fun. Clearly, though, I didn't move here for the view.

I am pretty lucky, though, because all I have to do is cross the street and there are some fantastic views, especially in the spring. Oh my flowers! It's the best. I've been getting out and about most days to enjoy that view. This week, there have been a lot more people--not masses, but instead of 1-2, maybe 6-8. And we're outside, and spread out, so it's fine. But I miss having it all to myself. I liked having it all to myself. I mean, it was odd, but nice in a way. I mean, I remember the good old days when you couldn't cross the plaza without running into a crowd. When you couldn't get pictures without having a stranger in them. And now I'm kind of freaking out because there are 6-8 people instead of 2?! It just goes to show the incredible capacity of humanity to normalize weird situations.

So for now, no view from my window, but if I ever do have a great view, I'll let you know.

*This is the story of my life. I read LOADS of headlines and very few articles. It's amazing how much you can get from a headline. Thanks, headline writers.

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