Monday, June 24, 2019

Where in the world???

For some reason,  I really can't say for sure what it was, I recently decided that I wanted to learn where countries are on the map. So I found an app* where I can learn all of the countries and where they are and have so far ticked off the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

It probably sounds silly, but I really love knowing where countries are on the map. It's super cool to read about elections in Mauritania and actually know where that is, or to read about Venezuelans heading to Curaçao and knowing why that makes sense. I know it's nerdy but it's really satisfying to know where things are in the world. Not that that makes me an expert but it is a pretty easy way to know at least a little more about the world.

*I really don't do apps, typically. My nieces and nephews always want to know if I have games, but I mostly don't play games. Crosswords, and now geography. 

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