Saturday, June 22, 2019

How to tell you liked a book

I've been reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich lately* and the other day someone asked how I liked it. It seems like it would be pretty obvious whether you liked a book or not, right? But for me, sometimes it's not all that easy. In some cases, after the first reading, I'm just processing everything. Sometimes, I'm not sure if I didn't like the book or if I just wasn't in the right mood for it. Or, as in the case of the Third Reich, 'like' isn't really the correct word. I've been culling my book collection over the last year or so, which means evaluating how I feel about my books. And, more and more, I'm not even finishing some books that I'm not eager to keep reading. But does that mean I don't like them? Also, sometimes my sentiments are kind of muted, so I have to rely on other ways to identify my feelings. Basically, it's not always straightforward. 

So, how do I tell if I like a book? Here are some of my current clues:
  • I refer to it and recommend it to people long after I've read it
  • Every time I reread it, I enjoy it 
  • When I finish, I reread the best parts
  • I want to read the next in the series (if it is a series)
  • I ignore the multiple streaming platforms and other forms of entertainment because I'd rather finish the book
  • I stay up later than I should because I want to read some of the book before bed
  • My background brain isn't as distracting
  • I remember the book fondly when I see it--it has a presence in my mind
And sometimes, I really don't have to think about it. Anyway, it's interesting to think about, and if there are any additional tips on how to know if you like a book, I'd love to hear them. 

*lately=the last few months. It's a big book. With lots of detail. And sometimes maddening stupidity.

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