Monday, June 17, 2019

Clean house

I cleaned my apartment this weekend. Not that this is something I never do, but most weeks it's really just tidying. And it wasn't deep-cleaning. No scrubbing the walls or cleaning nooks and crannies with a toothbrush sort of clean. More the, "Lo and behold, there IS a kitchen table underneath the piles of stuff" cleaning. I mean, I could actually eat anywhere at the table, instead of one little corner of it.* So, getting rid of clutter and stuff. And it feels  awesome! Like, I keep looking around my place thinking, "Wow! This looks great! I love it!"

Admittedly, there is still a lot I could do to make it even better. Why do I have so much stuff? And how do my blinds get so dirty? And in a week, there will be enough hair on the carpet for a wig. Again. But, maybe this time, I will remember how nice it is to have a kitchen table, or a desk, or to shut the closet door** and I will keep things looking good.

Yeah. Maybe.

*which is a moot point because I rarely eat at the table. Probably not the best thing.
**it's not that I can't usually shut it. I mostly just don't. Or I have socks and stuff that didn't quite make it into the hamper, trailing out of the closet. Amazing how little things like that really add to the sense of mess. 

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