Sunday, February 25, 2018

I doth protest

Can anyone tell me when February happened? Because it can't really be almost March. What has happened to the year? I mean really, people. We just barely got a little bit of winter (at least six inches over President's day weekend and on Friday, it snowed all day. It was amazing! And wintry!) and now it's getting time for that winter to spring transition.

Anyway, I protest that we are already this far into the year. And I protest that I had to work on a day when it snowed giant fluffy snowflakes all day long. At the very least, we should have all taken a hot cocoa break and sat and watched it snow for 10 minutes, right?

I also protest the "Taste of Texas BBQ Payday", which is criminal.*

And I protest "RompHims". Again, who hated the world so much that they unleashed this on us? A woman trying to get back at men for nylons?**

Also protesting daylight savings time, which happens to be on my birthday this year and is, quite frankly, an abomination every year, whether it's my birthday or not. My exhaustion does not need random fiddling of the clocks. Plus, we just barely got the computers in the reference room at work fixed from the last daylight savings switch.

I protest whoever thought that spreading all your peanut butter out and freezing it so that you can just whip it out of the freezer and slap it on your pb and j whenever you need to is a life hack.*** Just no. And whoever came up with the phrase "life hack". Just on principle.

While I'm at it, I'd like to protest the whole "buy this new movie release digitally but then we aren't going to let you buy it on actual physical mediums for another week. And, oh yeah, forget about pre-ordering anything but the digital" trend. Really? Weirdos.

Finally, I protest general meanness, lack of sleep, and having to think of what to fix for dinner.

Soap box out.

*And yet, a real thing. WHO sat down and said, "You know, this Payday candy bar is pretty tasty, but it needs a little something. Hmm, what could it be? I know, barbecue sauce!" Because that person needs help. 
**That's fair. I mean, I could kind of support that. 
***Although, based on internet search results, she's been protested plenty, so I hereby retract my protest, because at this point it just feels mean. 

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