Sunday, May 1, 2016

Channeling my inner 3-year old

Why was Denmark's response to WWII so different from other European countries?
Why is doing laundry so tedious?
Why can't we all just get along?
Why did Skittles ever think they needed to switch from lime to green apple?
Why is TV so addictive?
Why is it so hard to find clean comedies on TV?
Why do I like fruit more than vegetables?
Why do my sinuses always get worse at night?
Why is it so expensive to fly across the Mississippi?
Why do pangolins look so funny?
Why do we find celebrities so fascinating?
Why do humans always pendulum back and forth to the extremes of issues (and pretty much anything?)
Why is chocolate so amazingly delicious?
Why aren't there any holidays in August?
Why did the person who made my vacuum cleaner think it would be a brilliant idea to make me remove 6 screws to get to the vacuum belt?

Of course, the real question is, Why am I not in bed?

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