Sunday, February 7, 2016


Observation 1: Sometimes the fastest way to learn something is to mess it up big time. I do this at work about 3 times a week. I make some really dumb, obvious mistake with access or security or something that could cause a huge mess. Fortunately, so far there has been someone there to catch me. But when you mess up big time and realize how close you came, it does stick with you.

Observation 2: Having stuff with no one to share it with you is really lonely. I have all this neat stuff--movies, games, books, a toy box (one must be prepared for visits by the under twelves). Lots of cool, fun things. But sometimes I look at it all and think "what's the point of all this stuff?". Because so many of those things are best when shared.

Observation 3: I'm 99.9999999999999% sure that you can't trace your lineage all the way back to Adam. I had someone tell me she had done her genealogy all the way back to Adam. I just nodded and smiled, but honestly, I don't think it's possible. Because we don't have records that go back that far, and I'm fairly certain even the Bible is missing some essential details. And there are a lot of Adam's descendants that the Bible doesn't follow. Like, most of them. Also, I've played on Family Search, because you can find the best names if you click back through the lines. But there are so many errors--mothers that died five years before their kid was born, fathers who were born after their son, weird jumps in surnames. All of which convinces me that we don't really have the genealogies nailed down too well. Sorry to burst any bubbles.

Observation 4: I need some new ideas, new thoughts, new things to even think about. Lately, it seems I just repeat the same old conversation to different people. How to fix the middle east, politics, race issues, the Gospel versus social trends, income inequality. Ugh, it's getting old. I listen to myself in those conversations and it's so BORING! We need a new topic of conversation, people. So fix your problems so we can move on to something new, alright? Like, which is cooler, pandas or koalas? Who should we let take over the world, Google or Amazon? And why did the chicken cross the road, anyway? Should we allow chickens to cross the road? Do we have enough legislation to protect road-crossing chickens from  danger? These are important questions!

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