Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I, the Sponge

This weekend, I was informed that there are moments when I look and sound like my aunt.

I really didn't mind, because my aunt is great. I did get a kick out of it though. I've never noticed that I sound like my aunt (I haven't seen much of her in the last few years), but I have noticed that after visiting or talking to my sister, I start to sound and act a lot like her. But I notice the same thing if I read a lot of Jane Austen or binge on a series. I think I'm a bit of a sponge.

Which, if it means I pick up accents well, I don't mind. I love me a bit of an accent. And, theoretically, it could mean if I watch upbeat positive people, it will rub off on me. That isn't too bad.

But it does leave me wondering what happens when the sponge is dry. Hopefully I'm still an interesting person.

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