Monday, December 14, 2015

Snow and other seasonal things

Today I got out of work 2 hours early due to snow. I was kind of surprised, but I have spent the last few winters in a place where things didn't stop even when temperatures were cold enough to give you frostbite if you stayed outside too long, so I have a different threshold that I'm working from. I didn't mind leaving early one bit, though. And I was thrilled that there is snow, lots and lots of snow. I have been walking around seeing the massive amount of Christmas lights in the city and they just look kind of sad without snow. So that situation has been nicely remedied.

I know that white Christmases are probably an exception rather than a rule for most people, but I love them. It's part of Christmas, just like lights and decorations and music and food and movies and giving people stuff and people, all of which I think I have raved about before. But, they are just so fantastic. But there is something about the combination that makes it work. I mean, Christmas music in May just isn't the same. Or Christmas lights, or Christmas foods. It's like a magic spell and all of the components work together and make the world just a little bit better.

There is something about the combination that makes it a special time for Christ, too. Not that I don't think he matters any other time of year, or that you have to have all the trappings to be able to focus on him and draw closer to him. But I think there's something about thinking of him as that baby born in Bethlehem--we don't really think about that at other times, and there is something tender about that. So I love this time of year, I love thinking about the baby who became the Man.

And doing it in my living room with just the Christmas tree lights on, well, that's just a bonus.

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