Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Choose your own adventure -- overrated

I remember as a kid reading choose your own adventure books. And I could never read only one of the options, I always had to go back and read choice B. 

So I'm not loving the fact that life doesn't let me do that. I pick choice A, and that's the choice I get. And with life, you don't get to see how each turns out. You get hints, imagined previews that may or may not creep into reality, but you don't usually know for sure. 

Nor do all of the options line up at once. You don't always get the luxury of knowing all your options, because A, B, and C don't present themselves all at once. You get A, with no guarantee of a B coming along, and you just have to decide if you are going to take A or not. 

Nope, I pity the poor hero(ine) of any choose your own adventure. And if anyone happens to have been reading mine, I wouldn't mind a few hints for my crossroad!

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