Sunday, November 2, 2014

And the Ordinary goes to...

The lady in front of me at the grocery store. It was kind of late, so the store wasn't crowded, and I wasn't in a huge hurry, and she was almost done. But then one of her coupons didn't work, and there were a couple of other things. For once, I wasn't trying to catch a bus or anything, so I didn't really even mind waiting, and she was just a generally nice person. I started scanning my stuff and she was bagging her groceries, and next thing I know, she was bagging mine. "My husband usually bags our groceries while I ring them up, and I figured since you had to wait for me with the coupon thing..." I know bagging may not seem like a big deal, and I don't think I realized until tonight how stressful it is to have to bag all your stuff--especially when other shoppers are trying to ring up their stuff and you feel like you are in the way (I always feel bad about that. Lo, the wonder of the self-scan lane), but that wonderfully ordinary woman made my night so much easier and better. So, thank you woman at the grocery store, for your thoughtful gesture.

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