Monday, October 6, 2014

A User's Guide to Me

The new director at my place of employment came with a User's Guide (don't ask me how I know this, I just do). And I have been thinking about it and this seems to me a very good idea. So, if I were to write a User Guide for myself, here's what it would include:

1. Be honest with me. Say what you mean, don't play mind games, and just be up front and honest with me. That doesn't mean be rude or a jerk about it. You can be honest and kind.

2. I am very contextual. What does contextual mean? You know when you do those questionnaires for personality types or whatever, and they ask how you react in a certain situation? I'm the one who is saying, "Well it depends. Why am I in that situation? What is the other person like? What about these details?" (This makes me a great player of Would You Rather.) I wish I could wear a t-shirt that said, "This is where I'm coming from. Where are you coming from?"

3. My context is that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

4. I just want to be a kind, good, decent person. (That would also go on the context t-shirt).

So, those are the major things you should know about if you ever have to deal with me. There are probably other things, but those are some of the big ones. Wouldn't it be great if everyone had a manual?

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