Saturday, April 12, 2014

Great Ideas

I have an aptitude* for coming up with really good ideas. 

For example, I have this great idea for a life broker service for the introverts in the world. There are certain skill sets I lack such as the ability to haggle over prices and know the right questions to ask when it comes to major purchases. So, why not have someone who will take care of it for you? We have it for real estate, why not for car buying, or computers, or other purchases? I would definitely think it worth my time to have someone else do all the research on cars, have them checked out, haggle over price, etc. Narrow it down to 2 or 3, and then I decide which one. Of course, I'd probably be too poor to afford this service, but I do think it would be great. 

My latest great idea is creating resumes using Badges/Achievements. Like what you get when you are playing games online. "You have earned the Ninja Fighter badge" or "You have unlocked the Snowball of Doom". So why not use the same concept on resumes? Instead of skills, we give ourselves badges. Instead of Work Experience or College Degrees, we have unlocked achievements. Resumes would be SO much more fun.

The problem with my great ideas is that I lack the aptitude for execution. I don't know how to turn them into reality. Assuming that they aren't already a real thing and that they are actually worth enacting. So, if you ever need an idea, I'm happy to sign up to help. But after that, you're on your own.

*Note the lack of adjectives describing this aptitude. I don't know how I compare with other people, and I imagine I don't have any more ideas than the next person. I may even have fewer. This is more a relative strength. So, I don't know if it is something I'm good at or not. 

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