Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dreaming big

It seems like I should have a big fantastic year in review post or something but everyone does that at this time of year, and really, isn't living through it once plenty. If you want my year in review, well, Blogger does archive posts, so you can peruse and review at your leisure.

I will say, my year ended pretty well. I finished Phase I of my big project at work and just got back from visiting my sister's family, which was fantastic. So, December has treated me well.

Instead of the year in review, I thought I'd maybe focus on some of my hopes for the coming year. Not goals. Quite frankly, my goals mine and quite frankly they'd probably bore anyone else. They are pretty custom made, after all. But there are things that I hope 2014 is, so here goes:

I hope 2014 is a spring year. Some years are winter years, and feel barren and dreary and dismal. I hope 2014 is a year of green and new and clean and wholeness.

I hope it's my year to leave limbo. I hope that there is some concreteness to the year, instead of hypothetical decisions to be made. Hypothetical choices--I'm not sure they don't count, but they sure don't seem very helpful when it comes to getting out of bed and living.

I hope it is a year for unloading. I have been carrying around the same old concerns for so long and it really is tedious. I would like to have some new things to think about--like, buying a car, or moving into my own place and figuring out what to do with all my stuff.

I hope it is a year of light. Things seem to be going dark--in the world, in the lives of people I know, and my view has seemed dimly lit for a while. So, yeah, I'd love light.

I want it to be a year of changing. Changing myself, changes in my circumstances. But mostly in me.

Mostly I hope it is a good year.

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