Sunday, June 9, 2013

A bunch of patikiwaka

I just feel the need to write something, although I have nothing in particular to say. So, no theme here, just randomness. Which is pretty darn much what life is like.

I fed some geese (and ducks) today. The baby geese that were pretty cute a few weeks ago are in the awkward teenager stage of gooseness, and, yeah, they are just kind of awkward. Traces of baby cuteness and hints of adultness, but not really one or the other and an awkward mix in the meantime.

I have discovered why peer pressure is so terrible, and while it will sound ridiculously 'duh', bear with me. It's because it's your peers pressuring you. Duh, I know, but in high school, 'peers' were everyone in your grade. And quite frankly, a lot of them were in no position to pressure me. I didn't care about their opinion a whole lot. But real peers are people that you do care about your opinion. They are the people that have common interests and common beliefs. People you relate to. And that is why peer pressure is so potent. Because if those people who are like you (not just the same age, which is hardly sufficient similarness to make one a peer) are doing something, then there must be something wrong with  you if you aren't. 

Comic Sans should not be used on reports from executive level administration. I'm just saying. It's really hard to take an executive officer seriously when it looks like their six-year old wrote the cover page. 

I miss my stuff. I know it's just stuff, but I miss it. I miss having my books on my shelves. I miss using my own cooking stuff. I miss having more than one rubber scraper in the kitchen. I miss having a desk chair, even if it was a swivel chair with wheels that was stuck on carpet, which what is the point of wheels on a chair if it is on carpet, I ask you, but it wasn't my fault that that was the setup and I miss having a desk chair all the same. I miss having a place of my own. 

I have recently developed an aversion to breakfast, which is a travesty. I am a huge believer in breakfast and generally eat it at least 10 times a week. (After all, it is the most important meal of the day, and so why not eat it often?). But suddenly, nothing sounds good in the morning. The thought of pancakes makes me queasy. Muffins? Nope. Eggs? Blah. (Maybe eggs with bacon. And a biscuit. That sounds good. Unfortunately, by the time I can purchase all of that, it won't). Cereal? No thanks. Not even chocolate pudding sounds good. And summer hasn't even arrived, with it's nauseating heat. I think I might be in trouble...

Monday doth approach, but hey--at least science has proven that it's not worse than any other day of the week! Bet that changes your day! But, I for one am decently excited about Monday, because there are treasures buried for me in the archive. It's going to be awesome. 

And that is all.

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