Monday, August 13, 2012


One of the things that I miss about this time of year is fruit. It was about this time of year that my mom would begin her canning. This meant that we had boxes and boxes of peaches and pears sitting in the basement and we had fresh fruit every day. Peaches and cream after dinner, peaches for snacks, and the smell of drying fruit wasn't a bad thing, either. We'd help mom with canning and the best part was blanching the peaches. My mom would pull them from the boiling water and drop them in a sink of cold water, and we'd take the peels off. The outside of the peach would be warm, the inside cold, and I loved to snitch them.

Somehow, I've never been able to pick out peaches from the grocery store and get the whole ripening-eating timing down. Even when I get lucky, the experience isn't the same as having boxes of fruit filling your basement. I do get excited when it is peach season, but I miss the good old days. Maybe someday, when life is more settled, I'll be able to relive the experience but until then, I'll just eat a peach now and then and enjoy the memories.

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