Saturday, July 28, 2012

No kidding...

Real comment made by an announcer for the mens high bar at the Olympics, made roughly 30 seconds ago: "It is just unreal. Just when you have a reason to get a little full of of yourself, life smacks you down." Which is why I prefer not to get full of myself. It saves a lot of trouble.

I actually had a job where, I kid you not, every time my boss told me what a great job I'd done, within a few days I'd botch something up pretty good.

Anyway, Olympics. I gotta say, I really love the Olympics. I have next to zero coordination, so I love to watch people who have that talent. But, I hate the commentary. Honestly. Do we have to make it so dramatic? I know it's a big deal for them, but the broadcasting is just a smidge (smidge=loads) over the top. I get that these people have had their ups and downs. But I don't know anyone who hasn't. I don't know. It just gets too melodramatic. I just want to watch them perform. I don't want to go on an emotional journey through their life. And, couldn't we see a lot more events if they didn't take 15 minutes to biograph every athlete for each event they perform in? I just find it turns something worthwhile and good into something ludicrous. Then I can't help making fun of it, and then people end up laughing, which just isn't fair to the athletes.

I think the real problem is that the commentators were miscast. They were shooting for some prime time drama, and ended up with the Olympics. There is only one thing to do, and that is to mock them. Which works for me, because I was definitely meant to be cast in a comedy. I've been making my niece laugh all night, which is my equivalent of a gold medal. Go team me!

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