Wednesday, February 21, 2024


The other day when I was getting my laptop up and running at work, I got an error message that said, "System error: Invalid argument."

Now, I know I'm definitely not the first one to see this error, and also definitely not the first one to think that maybe we could use that warning in our day-to-day interactions. No lie, I am definitely considering putting it on a t-shirt. Especially in our current state of, well, civil insanity. 

And I'm not saying I'm exempt. As I have mentioned before, my motto should be, "Talk less, smile more." I have invalid arguments all the time. And, sometimes it would just be nice to have something pop up in the moment telling me, "Hey. Maybe take 5 and get your head together?" 

But I think that might require me to wear some kind of VR or AR headset, and I'm just not into that, so I guess I'll do what our ancestors have done for millions of years and just keep trying to be a better person without any computer assistance. 

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