Friday, October 1, 2021

And suddenly it's fall

Does anyone know how we got this far in the year? I know there's a one day at a time method and all, but has anyone checked to make sure that we're really getting all 24 hours? I feel like the universe's clockwork is just wonky. One day feels like it's 5 years long, and other days (usually on weekends, haha) seem to last 10 minutes. Or maybe I'm just getting old.

None of this is helped by the bizareness of the seasons these days. How am I supposed to gauge where we are at in the year when we have August temperatures in June, and June weather in September? 

I would also like to pin some blame on the greeting card and candy industries. I kind you not, I saw Thanksgiving cards and Halloween cards in the store at the end of August. Which, those are things? Are you kidding me? I am supposed to be sending people happy Halloween cards? Just, no. Although, it would boost post office business...

At any rate, here we are, with October starting tomorrow. And lovely fall weather, which I always enjoy. The mountains are turning red-orange-brown, which is always lovely. And at some point, I will close my windows and officially make my bed with blankets. Also, I have two trips coming up, one of which will involve hot air balloons and possibly a trip to the zoo, and the other a temple open house with family, huzzah!

And if the year seems like a blur, well, I think that's just the nature of mortality. So we're all good. 

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