Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Future, the Past, and the stuff in between

Yesterday was a rough day. Work basically sucked from start to finish, and I just want to say it seems a little unfair that people can cause so many problems for me when no one is even in the office.

After work I was checking the news on BBC, because I love the BBC, and they had a link to one of their reels that was titled "Physics suggests that the future has already happened". The clip was all about the theory of relativity, which was far less compelling than the title of the clip, because not gonna lie: at the end of the yesterday, I was super ready to be in the future if it had already happened. Or at least more in the future than I was yesterday. Even a sneak peek would be nice. Or maybe just depressing, because if it has already happened, that would imply it's too late to change things and depending on the future, that might just make me want to never get out of bed again. 

Fortunately, I don't believe the future has already happened (and that's not really what the video is saying anyway, because it's all about relativity, which is basically saying it's a matter of perspective). But I have had many times in my life when I wished I could just fast forward a bit. Like, job interviews or presentations or starting new jobs--I always wish that I could just be on the "done" side of it, where they are something well in the past. And I suspect that I'm like most people in that I wish the good things could linger a little longer. Then there are the times when I look at the calendar and think, "Wait! No! Rewind! I need more time for life!" 

All of which goes to show that time is really pretty ridiculous and, yeah, like Einstein says, probably pretty relative.  

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