Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sloth power

I'm not sure what the origins are, but in the last couple of years, I have started receiving a lot of sloth-related gifts. And I'm not going to lie, I am totally down with this development. I love pandas, especially when they play in snow, and elephants, and penguins, and many other animals, but there is DEFINITELY room for sloths. 

Also, sloths are an animal that absolutely resonates with me. I went to the aquarium this week, and of course checked in on the sloth. He (she?) was really active that day and actually exited his log for a minute or two. Gave a yawn. And then decided it just wasn't worth it and went back to bed. My kind of guy!

I have met lots of people who are the human equivalent of the Energizer Bunny. And, it's great. I'm glad there are a lot of go-getters and achievers out there. But I'm always flummoxed as to where they get all that energy from. Sloths are really my speed. And energy level, as a general rule.*

Like I say, I don't know how this sloth thing began. Maybe my people just know me. Or maybe I said something. Either way, the universe has worked together and nailed it. 

*Although I do not relate to their hygiene regimen.

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