Monday, August 30, 2021

If life mimicked TV

 I've been watching a medical drama and it sure seems like patients are always unexpectedly going unconscious right as the doctor says everything is fine. Also, in the first season, the poor doctors couldn't go anywhere outside of work without running into people almost dying in the middle of the street. It's very similar to the murder mystery conundrum: the sleuth can't go anywhere without constantly encountering dead bodies.

Which got me thinking about what if this happened in real life in other professions? I'm an archivist, and my profession will (probably wisely) never have a TV drama series. And I do feel like I end up doing outreach for my job wherever I go, but my work duties aren't actually outreach. So, what if everywhere I went, I ran into people who needed their papers archived, stat? "Quick! I need my file cabinet arranged and described! Someone please help! Is there an archivist available?"

Or what if mail carriers were constantly running into people who needed packages delivered NOW? A grocer who, every time he left his house, ran into people needing produce and delivery trucks trying to transport cold cereal?

Or a farmer who ran into cows needing milked while riding the bus? Apple store employees constantly having to solve tech problems (oh, wait. That IS reality). Opticians running into people needing glasses, custodians always running into messes (probably also fairly realistic), sports announcers always ending up in the middle of a basketball game or tennis match having to announce (this could be pretty entertaining), or engineers having to construct bridges on their way to the movies? Accountants trying to have dinner with their spouse and getting interrupted by an emergency audit!

Thank goodness most professions don't run into life and death or any other emergencies outside of work. I, for one, would not cope well. (Thus, archivist). But it could be pretty entertaining. 


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