Monday, January 18, 2021

Very much a first world problem

Why does civilization involve so much paperwork and upkeep and maintenance?

I was thinking about this because so much of my life seems to go to organizing piles of paper, weeding through stuff, and cleaning. 

I think the cleaning part probably transcends civilization. Maybe just a difference in scale. But there are so many piles of paper in my life. And so much stuff! Endless things. And as soon as you clear some out, more come creeping into your life. 

It seems to me that we "civilized" people might be doing something wrong. We invent stuff, which makes us civilized (or so it seems), and then we spend all of our time dealing with the stuff. And the paperwork generated by civilization--endless receipts and legal documents and insurance papers, and on and on.

I'm not saying that the lack of civilization is preferable. I love indoor plumbing, modern medicine, and not living in a cave or what have you. There are definitely some perks to human progress. But, I think maybe we mistook progress for the end? Instead of a means? I mean, it's easy to do. Things and stuff are so attractive. 

Or maybe I'm the only one with this problem and I personally need to be wiser with my resources. Not going to lie, that is highly likely. But some days, it feels like my first-world country is really not interested in helping me out with that. 

Yep, definitely a first world problem. I'll go be grateful now. 

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