Sunday, September 20, 2020

This post brought to you by:*

Fridays. The best day. Let's make more of them.

Car shopping. Definitely would have been a circle in Dante's inferno if they'd had cars back then.

Ratings. They're overrated. 

First world problems. Such a privilege!

Love. So much easier than hate--let's all be lazy!

Panda bears playing in the snow. Pure joy.

Face masks in the summer. Your face sweats just as much with them, but now you have a sweat catcher!

Big people words. Pretty useful.

Zoom. Sometimes seems like a misnomer when you're in a meeting.

Pugtato. Not a potato dog fish**. But very cute. And friends with Croccoli. 

Getting old. A thing everyone tells me not to do without telling me how not to do it.

Stuff. Usually more fun with someone else.

Penguins in art museums. Because it's 2020, and that's a thing now!

2020. Worst prank ever.

*This idea was basically taken from "Dear Hank and John", a podcast where two brothers give you dubious advice and all the news from Mars and AFC Wimbledon. They always do fake sponsorships, which crack me up, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. 

**Dog face puffer fish. Google it. The one I saw when I had my appendix out was the exact color (and shape) of an Idaho potato with blue and yellow fins. Thus, potato dog fish.

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