Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Dear Brain

Dear Brain,

I am about to embark on that great endeavor known as sleep. Lately, dear Brain, you have kind of forgotten how this works. What is supposed to happen is you are supposed to turn off, or at the very least go do your own thing without me knowing what that is, except for the occasional odd dream. Which, speaking of, can we not do the "I'm back in school, sometimes high school, sometimes college, whatever, and I haven't gone to any of my classes for a semester and I don't even know what my classes are and then I realize that I have a master's degree and why do I even care about passing one more course? I don't need it!" dream anymore? Surely there is something more interesting we could conjure up?

Anyway, back to the whole sleeping thing. You've really been letting me down lately. You've got WAY too much going on when you are supposed to be letting it go for a few hours. You don't need to be such an overachiever. We don't aim for that in any other part of our life, so why on earth would you pick sleep to try it out on? 

So, as we try this again tonight, I'm counting on you to do your part and relax. I know you can do it. 



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