Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I will

This weekend I got to spend time with my nephew, #24, who is 2 and a half. He, like all my nieces and nephews, is fantastic, and he is at such a fun age!

One of the funnest things is that he always says, "I will...". "I will go play." "I will sit here." "I will clean up." "I will go hit it" (the punching bag, which is totally okay to hit). There is something about it that is adorable. Confidence. Excitement. Optimism. Or maybe it's something about an under 3 being so declarative about his life. "There's a thing to do, and I'm going to do it." Or, it could just be that he's 2 and a half and pretty much almost always adorable.*

I'm sure there's a lesson here. How would this approach change things for me? "I will buy a car." "I will go to bed [meaning, sooner than later]." "I will eat vegetables." Probably can't hurt.

*Even his cry is darling. It's kind of convulsive, like an evil laugh only with sad tears instead.

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