Tuesday, April 2, 2019

It was one of those days where nothing good could come from getting out of bed. It wasn't that there was anything that happened or any reason for it to be a day that would have been better if it hadn't happened. I was just more than I could handle without even knowing why.

It hasn't been all bad. Like I say, it's not that it's been bad, really, at all. It's not like my car got towed (don't have a car), or someone I know received some bad medical news. I didn't get fired. A bit tired when I woke up is all. And there was rain, which I like, I got a fun package, I finished my taxes, I balanced my checkbook (admittedly, not the most exciting tasks, but I got stuff done! Hooray!). And I ordered prints of some family pictures. I started my day without the usual meeting and instead helped someone out at work.

Sigh. Sometimes, life's like that. Sometimes, there is no correlation between events and feelings.

Either that, or I'm nuts.

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