Wednesday, May 16, 2018


On Monday, I went to the grocery store, which is not as straightforward as it sounds because I ride the train. Well, light-rail. And I have to switch trains, which is an insignificant hassle. On Monday, though, it was raining which, in my book, makes things better. I LOVE walking in the rain. I walked from my transfer to the store (a little over 10 minutes, so not a big deal). It didn't really count as walking in the rain, though, because it was really just sprinkly. Still, it was nice.

On the way home, I didn't do much walking - half a block to the train stop and a block home. But, it was raining harder and I gave myself permission to just stand in the rain and soak it in. Not so good for my cereal boxes but who cares. It was great. But very wet. And when I got off the train, I had to step down to the door, and when I did, I lost my footing (it was wet, guys!) and slipped and fell. I'm now sporting a very bruised shin and a very bruised upper arm. Although you can't actually see the bruise on my shin.* And the bruise on my arm only started to show today.**

So, getting drenched in the rain at the cost of a couple of bruises. You know, I think it was worth it.

*It sure hurts, though. I will lean against things when I stand around and I cross my legs and it just hits that spot every time. Grrrr.
**It also hurts. And t-shirt sleeve hems happen to hit right where the bruise is. 

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