Sunday, May 13, 2018

Hum drum ho hum

It seems like there is a lot going on lately but there also isn't. There's a lot of cerebral stuff in my life the last couple of weeks but cerebral is boring and quite frankly, I've had it going non-stop in my head for so long, the last thing I want to do is think about it more. There is a project at work that was unexpected and has taken up a chunk of time, but it is also not that interesting, other than it was unexpected. I need something of interest to occur, and by something of interest I mean something fun and hilarious that would be worth writing about. NOT something calamitous and tear-jerking.

I don't even have really great photographs to share. I did try to photograph a robin sitting in her nest, but she was out when I got to the nest. Maybe I'll have more luck tomorrow. I do have lots of flower pictures but I've already done those and they are also a few weeks old, which feels like cheating. Although, who doesn't need some flowers in their life?

Mostly, life is just life and it's the same old stuff as usual. I really need a vacation--even a day trip to someplace new. Or maybe I should just cut my hair or buy a car or move. Those just seem like a lot of work. Maybe I'll just try eating my lunch outside in a new spot all week--weather cooperating, of course, which is has been really iffy lately. Or maybe I'll buy some exotic produce. Or a new shirt.

Or maybe I'll just go to bed and get some good sleep and see if things look brighter in the morning.

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