Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Embracing the stereotype

I think it's pretty typical for people to think of librarians (and hence, archivists, since it's typical for people to think that archivists are librarians) as eyeglasses-on-the-tip-of-the-nose, hair-in-a-bun, cardigan-wearing individuals. Well, as an archivist, I don't wear glasses to work and I can't get my hair in a bun worth having, but as far as the cardigan thing goes, it's true.

Not that I limit myself to cardigans. I do have several, along with jackets bordering from fleece to suit. And I always have one at work, for very good reasons. First, archives are chilly. They kind of have to be, because they exist to preserve records and that means they have to be temperature controlled--records like cooler temperatures. 

But in the last couple of years, I've discovered the real value of sweaters/jackets at work: security. As adults, it is frowned upon for us to carry security blankets. But there is still nothing quite as comforting as a blanket--preferably on a bed, accompanied by pillows, but barring that, blankets do wonders. Given this social norm, I make do with sweaters and jackets and such. It's almost as good as a blanket.

People will see me bundled up in a fleece jacket and ask in surprise, "Are you cold?" And, sometimes I am, but usually I just tell them that I'm missing my bed and so I'm making do with the next best thing. And you know what? I think they understand. 

So here's to the delightful stereotype that has definitely paid off for me. 

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