Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Unscandalous

I know there has been a lot in the news the last couple of weeks about awful and despicable males. These people should be held accountable for their actions. There is no excuse. But, lest we despair of fifty percent of the human population, I just want to go on record as saying that this is not normal behavior. I know a lot of men--not millions, or even thousands, but I have lived and worked in the same environment of a number of men, and I don't know a single one who would think it acceptable to behave like the males in the news have. Not because they are afraid of getting caught. The men I know wouldn't do that because it is beneath them, because they respect themselves and others, because it is flat out wrong whether they are going to get called on it or not. 

This is normal human behavior and I hope that we will make that clear moving forward. But let's not throw everyone with an X and Y chromosome under the bus simply because of their genetics. The world needs good men and they are out there. Yes, there are scummy ones, for sure. And it is good that they are being called out, because they should NOT be seen as the standard of manhood. And maybe I'm overly optimistic, but my experience gives me reason for that optimism. I have seen so many good brothers and husbands and friends who don't fit the media stereotype. I want to be married to a man, and I certainly wouldn't marry someone who would behave like these men in the news have. I don't think many women would. 

I know it's not the cool thing to stick up for men right now and it might seem like a defense of manhood is a betrayal of women. But virtuous, good men are one of the best ways to support the cause of women.*

And maybe I just won some kind of lottery to know so many good men (and women! I just know good people!). If so, I'm happy to share the wealth. Anyway, I just hope that we don't forget that the rotten apples in the media don't represent the whole crop. 

*And vice versa.

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