Friday, March 31, 2017

An antidote to materialism

I have a lot of stuff. Cool stuff. Flying screaming monkeys, Nerf guns, awesome games, great stuffed animals, even a squid hat! Most of the time it doesn't get used, because it's just me and some things are just more fun with other people. 

So, it is a delight when nieces and nephews come to visit, because then I get to play. But anyone who has spent time with kids knows that messes are made, things get broken and dirty, and you can kiss "mint-condition" goodbye. And every now and then, when the kids come to play, I have this moment where I am hesitant to let my cool stuff get ruined. "Dare I let them play with my magnetic sand? If it spills, then what?" Or, "what if they lose my darts?" 

But I'm pleased to say that the moment passes quickly when I remember how much fun they'll have, and how much I will enjoy remembering how much fun they (we) had. And if the darts get lost, or my nice shirt gets ruined by a loving baby, or the screaming monkey loses a hand, well, so what? It's all just stuff. Stuff that spends most of its life waiting. How much better to let it be used and enjoyed?

And so, I am infinitely grateful for the 24 wonderful kids who help me keep life in perspective. I'm a better person because of you all. 

With love,
Aunt Elise

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