Sunday, November 15, 2015

Make 'em laugh

When I was a kid, we watched Singin' in the Rain a lot. I have no idea why, that was just the musical of choice, except around Christmas, when it was The Sound of Music. Well, there's that song in Singin' in the Rain, "Make 'em Laugh". Not a bad song--not quite as catchy as "Moses Supposes", but it does have a lot of that good old slapstick humor in the show. Anyway, I really feel like I could use a great big laugh. I think a lot of the world could--I'm not so sure this is the happiest place in the universe. I haven't traveled the universe extensively, so I don't have any data to compare and give quantitative evidence. It's just a feeling I have.

Anyway. I, personally, feel like I am most suited for the comedy genre, and yet life has become a bit of a drama. And if not a drama, then a very dull documentary. And I really, really need a good laugh. A real laugh, not just a surface laugh. A joyous laugh. I think we all could. Who's with me? 

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