Sunday, August 24, 2014

A bad case of the meh's

I've had a bad case of the mehs lately. Work has been incredibly stressful, which is unfortunate because it has usually been such a pleasant place that it offsets the meh-ness of the rest of life. So now there is the meh and the stress, which isn't really an improvement.

I knew it was bad when I had an incredibly productive Saturday (yesterday's productivity was up by at least 300% compared to the average) and at the end of the day didn't feel really good about it. I just felt meh. And by golly, I should have felt good! (I was pleased with what I got done, it's just the feeling didn't match up. Life's like that sometimes).

But today, I made an effort to learn people's names at church and to talk to people. Which, when you are feeling meh isn't always easy, but I did it. And I talked to my family, and had dinner with a friend, and got some emails sent to people I needed to get in touch with, and did some indexing. And I feel a little less meh now.

This week, my roommate (that's such a clunky and connotated word, I don't like it one bit) will be coming, so there will be company in the house. I sent my nephew a care package, since he is getting his tonsils out. (Hmmmm. I wonder if I should see an ENT about my tonsils/sinuses/e, n, and t. Put that insurance I pay for to good use and all...) And this weekend, I'm going to Canada. So, there are some very non-meh things coming up. This is good. Good timing, good things, and hopefully good-bye mehs. I could totally go for that.

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