Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Ordinaries #2

Well, Time magazine released their 100 Most Influential People. I usually look at those lists, and I always wonder what their definition of 'influential' is. Anyway, I figured with the 100 most influential people, it would be a great time do award some more Ordinaries. So, here goes:

1) The bus driver, who recognizes me and a lot of other frequent riders and says hello and will keep an eye out for the riders he recognizes.

2) There was the guy in the post office, who was the only one working at the counter, because it was close to pick up and ship out. And he saw the really long line, and he tried really hard to make sure that he gave everyone good service, but you could tell he was also trying to hurry, so that he wasn't keeping people waiting.

3) My friends M. C. and M. R. I look forward to seeing them on Sundays.

4) A. M. and J. K., some more of my friends. They are just trying to live and work and be happy. They are really good at giving moral support, because they can relate to the average Joe. Or Josefina as the case may be.

5) The people I work with. It's so encouraging to see so many good, nice people doing what they can to live a good life and make their corner of the world a better place.

I know there are some mass awards there, but that's the thing about ordinary people. There are a lot of us :) And, so to all the ordinaries out there, keep up the good work.

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