Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Naps: The key to world peace

Today is one of the days of the week where I don't have to be anywhere in the morning, and as always, I slept in. It happens every week: The night before, I swear I'm going to go to bed on time, and get up on time, and get an early start to the day. The next morning, I roll out of bed well after alarms (yes, I use 2) have gone off. And then I enter into this emotional dilemma. On the one hand, I'm always terribly frustrated with myself for falling into the cycle yet AGAIN. (Seriously? Where's the discipline?!) On the other hand, I think that sleep is a beautiful thing, and every extra minute of it I can steal is probably better for me--and the world--in the long run. And even the short run. So how mad should I be that I let my body get what it needs?

Which leads to our discussion for the day: World Peace. I have a theory that if adults took more naps, we would be well on our way to world peace. Think about it. When a young child is tired, they act cranky and mean. And what do good, smart adults do? Put them down for a nap. Problem solved.

When an adult is tired, they act mean and cranky. Sure, they aren't throwing their toy cars at people's heads or hitting and throwing tantrums (how silly would that look?). Instead, they are threatening to launch nuclear weapons. And, silly us, we just assume that they are being a tyrannical dictator and then we impose sanctions or send an army out and invade. We never stop to think that maybe they just need a nap. A kid who is sleep deprived gets sleep. An adult who is sleep deprived gets sent out into the world to make decisions that affect everyone around them. Somewhat illogical, I say.

So, pamper yourself today. Do your part for world peace, and take a nap!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh this was perfect for me today, since I also slept in...and then read a book...and THEN got up! I'll just tell myself that I was contributing to world peace and stop feeling bad about it! :)

    Thanks, Elise!!
