Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oh, yeah!

Over the summer, I helped my nieces and nephews make a birthday cake for their mom. Being the unpracticed cake decorator that I am, I decided to decorate with M&M's. Quick, easy, and kid-friendly, no way you can go wrong there. My favorite part of the whole thing was watching my 2-year old nephew. It went a little like this:
I would give my nephew some M&M's.
He would put them in his mouth.
me: "No, those are for the cake!"
Him: (looking at me with complete sincerity) "Oh, yeah!"
He would then take the M&M's out of his mouth. Very slobbery.
Me: "No, eat those. Put these ones on the cake."
He would then put a couple of M&M's on the cake.
The first thing I would like to point out is that M&M's are great. And sometimes, you should just enjoy the great things in life, rather than sticking them on the cake and waiting for later.

But I would also like to point out that, admittedly, 2-year olds are pretty smart and he had a great thing going. And it seems pretty ridiculous to think that he actually forgot what to do with the M&M's, right? But this week, I've been wondering. Because there are a lot of times when I find myself saying, "Oh, yeah!" to things that are so obvious. Like, life is good, you are awesome, you can do this, it helps to read ALL of the information, sleep is important,  eat your veggies, read your scriptures, say your prayers, it's not the end of the world, BREATHE...things like that. So obvious, yet so easy to forget. And I'm really really grateful for all the people who remind me of those things, and keep handing me M&M's even though there is a really good chance I'm going to eat them instead of put them on the cake.

So, I'm going to leave you with the words of a very wise First Choice: Don't Forget To Be Awesome. Because you are.

Oh, yeah!

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