Sunday, June 18, 2017

Dear Brain

Dear Brain,

You know how when I'm sitting around feeling like I should get up and do something productive, and you always come back with, "That is such a huge task. It will be so hard [boring/tiring, take so much effort/concentration/energy/time]". Or, you take the "I just can't get it to stick in my brain" or "I'm not making any real progress" line?

Just stop. You know it's silly.

"I should do the dishes, but it will take forever"? Fifteen minutes, usually.

"I've photographed everything I can think of, and I don't really know what I'm doing. Plus it's hot"? You always find something cool to photograph and you come back having enjoyed yourself and feeling less stressed.

"Irish is crazy. I have no idea how to pronounce anything and I just can't remember the words and their meaning"? Okay, it's true. They have CRAZY spellings and I have yet to figure out how a combination of 5 letters can make the sound of a different letter that doesn't appear anywhere in the word. But you do actually remember things, and if you focused a little more (and maybe only worked on one language at a time :S ?) you'd remember even more.

Yeah. You always enjoy it way more than you think you will. And you enjoy binge watching Netflix (or Prime) way less than you tell yourself you do.

So could you just remember that the next time I'm feeling lazy?


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